Separate Audio from Video with ffmpeg and Powershell

Hello 👋, A while ago I wrote an article on how to separate audio from video with ffmpeg on Linux using bash. The article can be read here: Separate Audio from Video (with ffmpeg) Now I want to introduce you to the Windows version with some little Powershell functions that I’ve wrote. But why? If you’re a content creator and you are not using the free program Audacity for editing your audio files, I believe you’re missing out on some great features. In my opinion, the noise gate feature is very usefull for eliminating background sounds and breaths from your audio. My PC fan and keyboard strokes are pretty loud and I can easily eliminate them with these settings: ...

February 2, 2023 · 3 min · Denis Nuțiu

Ghidra Scripting: Annotating Linux system calls

I had some fun this weekend messing around with Ghidra. Having such a powerful tool for free is truly a game changer. To start scripting in Ghidra, I downloaded the latest Eclipse for Java Developers Version: 2019-09 R (4.13.0), Ghidra and Open JDK, I believe any JDK version 11+ will work. After downloading the JDK, extract the zip, put it somewhere and modify your PATH and JAVA_HOME environment variables to point to it: ...

October 13, 2019 · 9 min · Denis Nuțiu