A Rust library for for BME-680

I’ve found a BME680 library written in Rust, but I could not compile it because the author added crates which contained alpha versions as dependencies, and they’ve implemented breaking changes. I’ve forked the library and refactored it so that the code looks better to my taste. You can find it here: https://github.com/dnutiu/bme680-rust

March 14, 2024 · 1 min · Denis Nutiu

LeetCode: Removing Stars From a String & Simplify Path

Hello 👋, I’ve started doing some LeetCode dailies with Paula and I’d like to share our solutions for the last two problems. https://leetcode.com/problems/removing-stars-from-a-string/ https://leetcode.com/problems/simplify-path/ I also want to warmly welcome the new nuculabs.dev subscribers! Thank you for subscribing! If you want to attempt the problems by yourself then stop reading otherwise you’ll be spoiled with solutions. Removing Stars From a String In this problem you are given a string with stars ‘*’ and when you encounter a start you’ll need to remove the start along with the character to it’s left. ...

April 12, 2023 · 2 min · Denis Nuțiu, Paula Rusti

LeetCode: Boats to Save People

Introduction Hello everyone! 👋 I’ve been practicing with some Leetcode daily challenges lately and since I’ve recently moved to Substack I wanted to make my first post here 😁 Boats to Save People The problem Boats to Save People is solved using a Greedy approach. Given a number of people and their weights, along with a carry limit for the boat. You must find the number of boats needed to carry the people. A boat can carry a maximum of two people at a time. ...

April 8, 2023 · 2 min · Denis Nuțiu, Paula Rusti

Exploring SIMD instructions in Rust

Hello 👋, I started exploring Rust a week ago due to more and more web services being written in Rust at my work place and so far I like the language, it’s simple, fast and beautiful. My day to day programming tasks are in Python, Go and Java. I’ve also used C# for some personal projects. Picking up Rust is not that easy for me since everything I write is web services or Java programs that don’t have “low-level” logic. ...

March 25, 2023 · 18 min · Denis Nuțiu