Root-Me: GB – Basic GameBoy crackme walkthrough

Hello, In this article I will describe how I solved the GB ā€“ Basic GameBoy crackme challenge from Root-Me. Before reading this article you should attempt to solve the challenge on your own. Start by reading/skimming through the GameBoy CPU manual then download an emulator such as mGba and play with the ROM. To disassemble the ROM Iā€™ve used Ghidra and mgbdis. After reading through the GameBoy CPU manual, Iā€™ve opened the file in Ghidra and found these interesting strings:...

October 27, 2019 Ā· 2 min Ā· Denis Nuțiu

Root Me – Xor Madness – Walkthrough

Hello, In this article I will describe how I solved the PE x86 ā€“ Xor Madness challenge from Root-Me This challenge will ask you for a password and the password is also used to validate the flag. What makes this challenge interesting is that it only uses xor, sub, call and ret. Hereā€™s how I approached the challenge: Since the binary had a few function and some strings were in plain text, I tried to figure out the big picture and labeled all the function accordingly: win, lose, check and so on....

October 6, 2019 Ā· 5 min Ā· Denis Nuțiu

Root-Me: ELF C++ – 0 protection solution

Hello! My daily work is doing full stack web development, and reversing is a side thing that I do for fun and in my free time. In this article I will show you an easy way to solve for ELF C++ ā€“ 0 protection challenge, which can be found on under the cracking section. I found this challenge a bit difficult mostly because Iā€™m not used to reverse C++ code but, since it doesnā€™t contain any protection at all, all you need to do is to inspect the parameters....

August 12, 2019 Ā· 2 min Ā· Denis Nuțiu

Root-Me Reversing: crackme_wtf hints

Itā€™s been some time since Iā€™ve done some Reverse Engineering and today Iā€™ve completed a simple challenge on . The filename of the challenge is crackme_wtf and here are some hints to get you started: Determine type of FILEs. Donā€™t be afraid to patch and use a debugger. Try to eliminate the randomness. Maybe some functions that have to do with time, random numbers or the current processā€™s id. If the last hint doesnā€™t yield any resultsā€¦ Is the required password really needed to get to the flag?...

August 4, 2019 Ā· 1 min Ā· Denis Nuțiu

Root Me: ELF-CrackPass with Ghidra

Hello! Iā€™ve been playing recently a bit with Ghidra, which is a reverse engineering tool that was recently open sourced by the NSA. The official website describes the tool as: A software reverse engineering (SRE) suite of tools developed by NSAā€™s Research Directorate in support of the Cybersecurity mission Iā€™m at the beginning of my reverse engineering career, I didnā€™t do anything advanced and I donā€™t know what features to expect from a professional tool like this, if youā€™re looking to read about advanced Ghidra features them Iā€™m sorry....

March 9, 2019 Ā· 8 min Ā· Denis Nuțiu

Keygenme or Not

Keygenme or Not is a cute reversing challenge I found on It requires an username and an activation key. I particularly enjoyed this challenge and decided to make a blog post about it. The twist of this challenge is that you can solve it without writing any code, thus the name ā€˜Keygenme or Notā€™. If you want to solve this challenge but youā€™re stuck you should definitely give it one more try because solving it is very easy....

December 25, 2018 Ā· 2 min Ā· Denis Nuțiu

Root Me: Cracking: PE – 0 protection

Since this challenge has 0 protection we can easily solve it by searching for the string in the strings window of IDA. Select from the menu: View -> Open Subviews -> Strings then double click on the: .rdata:00404053 0000000D C Gratz man šŸ™‚ Now you should be in the .rdata section on the binary, while the string is still selected, right click on it and click on: Xrefs graph toā€¦ this will give you a nice graph that you can look at....

September 2, 2018 Ā· 3 min Ā· Denis Nuțiu

Root Me: Cracking: ELF – 0 protection & ELF – x86 Basic

Iā€™ve just found out about this amazing website which offers a wide variety of challenges. Hereā€™s my solution for the first challenge, this one is extremely easy, you just have to pay attention to the assembly code: Observe that the password is in plaintext and is loaded into [ebp+s2]. [ebp+s1] is passed to [esp] and is a pointer to the getString function, I just assumed that the function gets a string from stdin and puts it into [ebp+s1]....

September 1, 2018 Ā· 1 min Ā· Denis Nuțiu