Convert a FastAI model to ONNX and CoreML

Hello there 👋, In this post, I will show you how to convert a FastAI model to ONNX and CoreML. Convert a FastAI model to Pytorch Before we can convert the model to ONNX format or CoreML, we need to convert it to Pytorch first. This is a simple process. Assuming that the model is trained, we need to call to export the model: from import * # learn is your FastAI Learner torch....

August 20, 2023 · 3 min · Denis Nutiu

Using an ONNX Resnet model in Java

Hello everyone! 👋 This is a follow-up post to the previous one, long story short I started taking the course from to learn more about Deep Learning. I’ve built a simple Image Tagging model using the Resnet architecture (don’t worry about the paper I did not read it, GitHub Copilot suggested it while writing this blog post). FastAI is a high-level Python library that allows you to train complex ML models really fast and efficiently....

July 4, 2023 · 7 min · Denis Nutiu

Image tagging with Deep Learning

Hello everyone 👋, I’ve been playing with FastAI and deep learning for a week or so and I’ve decided to combine my passion for software with my passion for photography. I’m working on an app or maybe a library that allows you to generate tags for a photo. For an amateur photographer like me it’s quite useful as I don’t always have inspiration to write tags for my photos and sometimes the tags I write are inconsistent....

July 2, 2023 · 3 min · Denis Nutiu