Nucu Car: Devlog 0x02

Hello, I’m still working on my NucuCar project from time to time, I’m currently at my parents home and I left the raspberry pi at my apartment so I’m only testing the builds it on my computer. Luckily I can test the telemetry by using the CPU temperature sensor implemented by dotnet IoT. For the next step, I wanted an effective way to store telemetry data in the cloud, preferably for free, since this is a hobby project after all....

April 19, 2020 · 3 min · Denis Nuțiu

My experience with .NET IoT (so far)

I haven’t done any embedded development in a while and I was thinking to build myself a remote controlled toy car with video streaming. The project is going to take me a while. To build it I’m going to use C#. I’m already too familiar with Python and a little challenge doesn’t hurt. To interface with the hardware, I’m going to use the .Net Core IoT Libraries from Microsoft....

November 9, 2019 · 2 min · Denis Nuțiu