Python Singleton Pattern implementation with LRU

Hello and happy new year! 🥳🙌 I’ve made a video on how to implement the singleton pattern in Python using the LRU cache. Thank you!

January 7, 2023 · 1 min · Denis Nuțiu

How to document a project with MkDocs 📹

Hello, Welcome my third video tutorial, this time, on how to get started with MkDocs. In this video I try to give you a basic overview of MkDocs and a configuration consisting of the material theme and search plugin. Config The MkDocs configuration used in the video. site_name: My Cool Project Documentation theme: name: material features: - search.suggest - search.highlight - plugins: - search nav: - Introduction: "" - Tutorial: - Tutorial Subsection: "pages/tutorial/tutorial_subsection....

October 16, 2021 · 2 min · Denis Nuțiu

Kafka Connect MongoDB Sink Connector

Hello 👋, In this article we’re going to build a data pipeline that connects Kafka to MongoDB. In short, we’re going to add a MongoDB Sink connector to a Kafka Connect cluster and run a MongoDB instance in Docker to test the connector. By reading this article I hope that you will learn How to install the MongoDB connector in Kafka Connect How to configure the MongoDB connector How to create topics in Kafka using Confluent Tools How to monitor Kafka Connect using JConsole....

September 19, 2021 · 6 min · Denis Nuțiu

Sharding MongoDB using Range strategy

Hi 👋👋 In this article I will explore the topic of sharding a Mongo Database that runs on Kubernetes. Before we get started, if you want to follow along, please install the tools listed in the prerequisites section, and if you want to learn more about sharding, check out this fantastic article Sharding Pattern. Prerequisites Kubernetes Cluster & kubectl mongosh helm Introduction Let’s install a MongoDB instance on the Kubernetes cluster using helm....

August 8, 2021 · 7 min · Denis Nuțiu