Kafka Connect GitHub source connector

Hello! In this article we will discuss how to quickly get started with Kafka and Kafka Connect to grab all the commits from a Github repository. This is a practical tutorial which saves you some time browsing the Kafka’s documentation. Environment Kafka is bit difficult to setup, you will need Kafka, Zookeper and Kafka Connect at least. To simplify the setup we’re going to use Docker and docker-compose. Once you have Docker and docker-compose installed on your system, you can run a single command and get a Kafka environment for developing. ...

July 29, 2020 · 5 min · Denis Nuțiu

How to sign git commits with Yubikey

Introduction If you know what a Yubikey is, you may skip this section. Yubikey is quite expensive device that acts as a portable GPG key, it is considered secure because once the private GPG key is on the device, it can’t be extracted again (unless someone finds a way). You can import your own generated GPG keys or generate a new key-pair directly on Yubikey. Yubikey can do a lot more than holding a GPG key, It can do two-factor authentications with sites like Google, Github or Dropbox. The list of all supported sites are available on their official website. You can also use them with your mobile phone, if you have NFC, when you login to Google using your credentials, if NFC is on, the phone asks you to put the Yubikey on the NFC sensor so it can communicate with it, if you don’t have NFC the website will fall back to another two-step authentication method that you have enabled for your account. ...

June 30, 2018 · 2 min · Denis Nuțiu