Root-Me Reversing: crackme_wtf hints

It’s been some time since I’ve done some Reverse Engineering and today I’ve completed a simple challenge on . The filename of the challenge is crackme_wtf and here are some hints to get you started: Determine type of FILEs. Don’t be afraid to patch and use a debugger. Try to eliminate the randomness. Maybe some functions that have to do with time, random numbers or the current process’s id. If the last hint doesn’t yield any results… Is the required password really needed to get to the flag?...

August 4, 2019 · 1 min · Denis Nuțiu

MAD: Game DevLog #3

Hello everyone! I don’t have much to tell so I’m going to make it quick. We’ve added Android build support and we’re working on setting up an internal test app on Google Play. In order for the game to be playable on Android we’ve also added mobile controls and I got the chance to make them. Here’s the button for placing the bomb: To simplify our life we’ve used the CrossPlatformInput module from Unity’s standard assets package, this allows us to support PC, consoles and mobile devices with minimal code and configuration....

July 13, 2019 · 1 min · Denis Nuțiu

MAD: Game DevLog #2

Hello everyone! Time for devlog number #2! In the last week, we’ve implemented transparent walls and the player animation state machine. Max continued designing sprites for the game and Andrei implemented the bomb animations and it is working on some enemies. The next week I will try to implement and finish the UpgradeManager, a Singleton class that shall handle the dispatch player powerups. The transparent walls were implemented using Raycasts the wall will cast a ray in the up direction and if it detects the Player collider it will reduce it’s alpha value to 50%, when the ray doesn’t collide with anything the alpha values goes up to 100%....

June 23, 2019 · 3 min · Denis Nuțiu

MAD Game DevLog #1

Hello Everyone! In this devlog I’ll try to keep you updated with the latest state of our game. Since we all have full-time jobs, we’ve been working on this game only on our free time. I’ve been implementing the world generation code and since I hadn’t any Sprites for the walls available, I’ve made my own ones in Aseprite. Using the Sprite from above I’ve created two prefabs in Unity and I’ve changed the colour of one prefab to brown, the generated world looks like this:...

June 12, 2019 · 2 min · Denis Nuțiu

MAD: GameDevLog #0

It’s been a while since I wrote an article and this one is a bit different. I joked one day with a two other friends to make a game, and somehow the idea was very well received, we teamed up and started pitching game ideas. We are three friends. Me and Andrei are good with coding and Max is good with arts. The problem was that me and Andrei aren’t video game developers, the only thing that we’re both experts at is to write hello world in many different programming languages....

June 1, 2019 · 2 min · Denis Nuțiu

Adding PostgreSQL support to your ASP.Net Core application via Docker

I’ve been playing recently with ASP.Net Core and I’m developing a small Web API project in order to teach myself the framework. In still article I’ll explain how to use a Postgres database with Docker, in order to make your development experience much more enjoyable. Before moving on, please make sure that you’ve installed: Docker Docker-Compose First, create the docker-compose.yml file in your root directory of the project, the file should contain:...

May 11, 2019 · 2 min · Denis Nuțiu

Quick Programming Tip: The Silver Searcher

The Silver Searcher is a code searching tool, it searches your entire code base in a very fast and efficient manner and it supports regex. I often use it when my IDE’s search capabilities are slow or can’t find what I’m looking for. You don’t have to use it exclusively, you can combine it with your IDE’s search capabilities to do your job faster, and most of the time it is also much easier to search using ag....

April 14, 2019 · 1 min · Denis Nuțiu

Fuzzing Like It’s 1989

April 1, 2019 · 0 min · Denis Nuțiu

Root-Me: ExploitMe – Basic Buffer Overflow

Hello, In this article I present you the solution to nice and short cracking challenge from Root-Me. After opening it up in Ghidra, I saw that the challenge is easy to solve, all you need is to find the password, which is in plain text. Basically just copy paste and you get the flag, but wait, there’s a twist! I should have learned my lesson from the other challenge from Root-Me, which also had a twist....

March 31, 2019 · 3 min · Denis Nuțiu

Root Me: ELF-CrackPass with Ghidra

Hello! I’ve been playing recently a bit with Ghidra, which is a reverse engineering tool that was recently open sourced by the NSA. The official website describes the tool as: A software reverse engineering (SRE) suite of tools developed by NSA’s Research Directorate in support of the Cybersecurity mission I’m at the beginning of my reverse engineering career, I didn’t do anything advanced and I don’t know what features to expect from a professional tool like this, if you’re looking to read about advanced Ghidra features them I’m sorry....

March 9, 2019 · 8 min · Denis Nuțiu