Windows Task Scheduler - Quick Start

Introduction Hello everyone 👋, This is a quick post about the windows task scheduler, if you’re a Software Developer using Windows the task scheduler is a great tool to automate tasks. I see it as a combination of cron and systemd (if you’re a Linux user you know what I’m talking about). For my personal use case, I use the task scheduler to download more images from the internet to improve a machine learning model used to classify images. To download the images I use a simple Python script and a batch file to run the script. ...

November 11, 2023 · 3 min · Denis Nutiu

Separate Audio from Video with ffmpeg and Powershell

Hello 👋, A while ago I wrote an article on how to separate audio from video with ffmpeg on Linux using bash. The article can be read here: Separate Audio from Video (with ffmpeg) Now I want to introduce you to the Windows version with some little Powershell functions that I’ve wrote. But why? If you’re a content creator and you are not using the free program Audacity for editing your audio files, I believe you’re missing out on some great features. In my opinion, the noise gate feature is very usefull for eliminating background sounds and breaths from your audio. My PC fan and keyboard strokes are pretty loud and I can easily eliminate them with these settings: ...

February 2, 2023 · 3 min · Denis Nuțiu

Python Development in Windows with WSL2

Hello, I’ve published a new video on my YouTube channel. It’s a short tutorial on how to develop Python project on Windows by setting the remote interpreter from Pycharm to use a WSL2 Python interpreter or by running Pycharm directly in WSL2. Thank you!

January 15, 2023 · 1 min · Denis Nuțiu

Multiple Python versions on Windows

Hi 👋 In this short article I will show you two ways of changing Python versions on Windows. It is useful when you have installed multiple Python versions on your system and want to run a specific version from the terminal. For example, if we have the following versions installed: We can use either the Python Launcher py to run Python or the python command. Python Launcher To list installed Python versions with Python launcher we can use the py -0 command. ...

April 8, 2022 · 2 min · Denis Nuțiu

💻Remote Desktop: logon attempt failed ⛔

Hi 👋 Have you ever tried to setup your Windows’s Remote Desktop functionality and failed with the following error message “logon attempt failed“, knowing that your credentials were correct and that you’re on the same Wi-Fi network with the computer you’re trying to access? Well, I did. Most of the solutions you’ll find on other blogs make you edit your Window’s registry, network settings and so on, which in my case was not needed, and it is somehow overkill. ...

October 8, 2021 · 1 min · Denis Nuțiu

Running Linux GUI Applications in Windows

Hi 👋, This is a quick tutorial on how to run Linux graphical interface application in Windows using X Server’s forwarding feature. The first step is to download and install the VcXsrv Windows X Server on your 💻 Windows machine. Then, start VcXsrv with the following configuration: Ensure that VcXsrv is not blocked in Windows Firewall, it should be allowed in Public and Private networks. You may also use more restrictive firewal settings as explained in /wsl-windows-toolbar-launcher#firewall-rules. ...

October 2, 2021 · 1 min · Denis Nuțiu

fzf: A command-line fuzzy finder 🌸

Hi 👋, fzf is a command line tool that can be used to fuzzy search files, history, and command outputs. Check out the Github repository. This is a tool that I wish I’ve knew about earlier in my career, and for this reason I decided to blog about it. You can also set key bindings; some popular ones are: CTRL-T – Paste the selected files and directories onto the command-line ...

September 22, 2021 · 1 min · Denis Nuțiu

How to use Windows 10’s Wireless Display feature

Hi, In this article I will show you how to use your Windows 10’s wireless display feature in order to use your Laptop/Xbox as a wireless display. Initial Setup First things first let’s enable network discoverability on both PCs. Open up Control Panel, go to Network and Internet, next Network and Sharing Center and click on Change advanced sharing settings Then expand the Private tab and use the same settings as I do, only enable File sharing if you need it. ...

July 22, 2020 · 2 min · Denis Nuțiu